We understand the obstacles and mindsets that paralyze men from taking responsibility and seeking help, yet when they do, they realize that doing so is not a sign of weakness but rather of courage and self awareness. Don't wait any longer to start living a life of wholeness and balance. Embrace the opportunity to grow, change, and receive the tools you need to lead with integrity, purpose, and confidence.

Your Growth as a Man directly impacts the well-being and future of your Family. Integral Men guides you to cultivate the skills to be a Connected Partner, a Nurturing Father, and an Integral Leader.

Integral Men Coaching Program

I constantly meet so many Men who are in a similar place:

  • They don't know their true Identity or Purpose in life.
  • Their marriage is still intact, but they are emotionally distant and lack true unity.
  • They struggle with emotional and relational intelligence, making it difficult to stay connected during disagreements. 
  • They live paycheck to paycheck and can't seem to achieve financial freedom.
  • Or they have achieved financial freedom, but it has come at the expense of their family.
  • They repeatedly make the same mistakes without taking responsibility. 
  • They struggle to communicate effectively with their wives and children.
  • Despite being long-time believers, they still engage in dysfunctional, emotionally absent, and abusive marriage and parenting practices. 
  •  Single with the goal marriage, they aim to avoid repeating the mistakes of their parents or friends, seeking coaching and guidance. 
  • They strive to present a facade of harmony and well-being to the outside world, but their wife and children would describe a contradictory reality. 

Throughout many years of pastoring and coaching men, achieving what I thought was "success" in fulfilling my purpose, traveling worldwide, and reaching a financial status I once only dreamed of, I suddenly realized I had misunderstood my identity, core beliefs about my relationship with God, and my priorities and relational practices within my home and family.

It required taking full responsibility, unlearning many toxic traits ingrained from childhood into adulthood, and dedicating significant effort, time, and resources to personal growth. I focused on relearning healthy, biblical principles and implementing practical changes in my daily life. 

My life and my family were transformed forever, I discovered that it's never too late to return to integrity, wholeness and balance. 

For many men this is the perfect moment for a new beginning.

It will not be easy, but it will Be Worth It!

Course Curriculum

    1. Session 1- Unveiling Your True Identity

    1. Session 2- Three Formations of Men of God

    1. Session 3- Fundamentals about Emotional Intelligence- Part 1

    2. Session 3- Fundamentals about Emotional Intelligence- Part 2

    3. New LessonSession 3- Fundamentals about Emotional Intelligence- Part 3

    1. Session 4- Costly Mistakes of Men in the Home

    1. Session 5- Effective Communication- Part 1

    2. Session 6- Emotional Maturity & People Skills- Part 2

    1. Session 7- Navigating the Path to Financial Freedom

  • 7 Recorded Lessons

Are you single, a single father, a newlywed, married with children, separated, or divorced? No matter where you are in your life journey, Integral Men is here for you. This comprehensive course is tailored to provide you the guidance , support, and skills you need to navigate every stage with confidence, strength and humility.  

Meet the Instructors

Frank Hechavarria is a passionate Husband, Father, Pastor, Mentor and Business Coach with a deeply rooted faith in Christ. His wealth of insight and experience in pastoral ministry has led him to nurture and empower ministry leaders for life and leadership.

Frank Hechavarria

Pastor/ Senior Instructor

Meet the Instructors

Hiubert Zamora is a second generation Pastor & Evangelist, passionate about equipping and empowering current and emerging leaders in ministry. His strong commitment is dedicated to cultivate leaders with sound leadership practices and people skills for navigating the multifaceted challenges of ministry life.

Hiubert Zamora

Pastor/ Coach

Meet the Instructors

Jan Nunez is a father, pastor, and dedicated coach with a passion for helping men embrace and embody biblical manhood values. Jan guides men through a transformative journey to improve their behavior, cultivate healthy family relationships, and fulfill their divine purpose. His mission is to empower men to reflect Christ and make a lasting impact on their families, communities, and the world.

Jan Nunez


Bonus Content & Benefits

  • Access to Integral Men Community

    Do want to connect with other men on the same journey? If so, you will have access to our Integral Men Community where you can interact with our Coaches and the other men in the program.

  • Live Zoom Call with Coaches

    Included is 1 Live Zoom Call with our Coaches for a course overview and live Q&A's.

  • Discounts on One on One Coaching Sessions

    Need one on one coaching from our Coaches? Integral Men enrollees will recieve a special discount for personal coaching sessions.


  • How Do I Access My Course?

    When you buy a package, you will be sent an email with a link to access the e-course. If you have any trouble accessing your account please email us for help.

  • How Many Times Can I Watch the Course?

    You can watch it as many times as you'd like and at your own pace. Use your log in information to come back and watch the sessions and review the content provided.

Impact Stories

““I have been learning from Frank for 4 years. His teachings have helped me deepen my relationship with God., removed fear, worry, and anxiety from my life. God continues to bless me, by putting the right people and opportunities in my life. I know God wants to use me to build the His Kingdom in the area of finances. 
Since working with Frank, God has financially blessed me, which allows me to provide more financially to God.””

““I am owner of a beverage distribution company. Have been working with Frank for the last few years and have become close friends spiritually and personally. Frank has been instrumental in the success and growth of my spiritual and business life. His simple and practical advice has helped me develop in the areas of my purpose, discernment, management, peace of mind, confidence, leadership and truly living a fulfilling life. Thank you Frank for being a such a blessing! ””

“Having worked and walked alongside Frank for more than a decade now, I know him to be a man that goes after God’s heart and plan with laser-focused tenacity, discipline, and unwavering integrity and faith. Admired by his wife, adored by his kids, and esteemed by everyone lucky enough to have him in their life. He is an excellent example to me and coaches me as a man when it comes to family, ministry, leadership, and entrepreneurship.”

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